Honduras is a beautiful country with other worldly energy at an epicenter of an accelerating information super highway. It's not that the highway is getting faster, but that consciousness creates and perceives simultaneously according to conditioned lines of thinking. Your thoughts about your experiences aren't separate from the experiences themselves, and the idea that you are a person having an experience is an illusion held in consciousness, as opposed to a delusion of your mind.
To be clear, I'm not saying thinking is not a conceptual overlay to the exploration of consciousness through human potential. I'm saying the idea that you are a human is a part of the overlay, and that idea is a genesis atom for life as we know it. Inception.
Anyway, flew into San Pedro Sula, which is a developing city here, and I have to say, even the Hondurans exercise extreme caution when driving through certain neighborhoods. Granted, you go through the projects in the wrong car with the windows down in most any American city, you run the chance of getting jacked, but here, things are amplified along parallel frequency. That amplification allows greater potential for channeling trajectories. Rapid growth and decay are more possible here than in your backyard. That's great news, but only if you know what you're doing.
In my experience, sometimes a teacher can say one thing, and that one thing can alter a student's trajectory for a lifetime. Having the opportunity to work with the 8th and 9th grade Honduran kids is a dream come true for me. While starting multi million dollar business operations is within the field of potential, a key component to law of attraction is alignment with who you are where ever you happen to be. I'm nobody special. I'm just a guy that took an honest look at things that knows a little bit more about coffee exportation today than I did yesterday. Even Starbucks can be upgraded through providing a bean from a higher elevation of growth. And Honduras has lots of elevation.
While I look forward to developing my taste for dank coffee, I thought I'd take a minute to say thank you to my chica Yadi. Without her I wouldn't be here. And without appreciation and gratitude you will not find peace because you're going to be too busy looking for it. Thank you Yadi, Honduras, for welcoming me into your country. I feel honored to be your guest. And thank you everyone at home and around the world who might come into contact with this blog. May the force be with you.